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Nursing, being one the most sort after profession in the world has different types and form. In the medical profession, medical doctors specialize in different aspect like neurology, psychology and the ret. In the same vein, we have that in the nursing profession a well. Being a qualified nurse irrespective of your specialty requires hard work, dedication and focus. It takes that extra ard work and dedication to become a nurse. Nursing profession on its own comes with its stress both mentally and physically and for that, the profession is being compensated with high remuneration.

Nurses getting the lion’s payment is justifiable. They are primary health workers and when they are compensated with good pay, they feel valued and respected. This in turn gives them the extra drive to work harder. The goal of every nurse in the profession is the earn a decent pay and of course, that is justifiable because nurses spend long hours saving lives and making sure everyone is fine.

Although nurses are being paid handsomely, the payment varies across different specialization in the field. Hence, why we are going to explicitly discuss the highest paying nursing jobs in Canada.
Below are highest paying Nursing jobs, the average earnings per yer along with the necessary qualifications to go with them

NOTE: This is in no particular order.


Necessary Qualifications

To be able to earn a decent living as a nurse practioner or even be referred to as one, below are some of the requirements:

  • Registered Nurse license
  • Master Science in Nursing or doctor of Nursing Practice degree

What they do

  • they are obliged to make compulsory lasting connections with their clients.
  • They often work hand in hand with primary care physicians.


Average Yearly Pay or Earnings

Nurse practitioners pay could be as high as $95,350




Necessary Qualifications

To be able to earn a decent living as a gerontological nurse practitioner or even be referred to as one, below are some of the requirements:

  • Registered Nurse license
  • Master Science in Nursing or doctor of Nursing Practice degree
  • Certification in gerontological nursing practice.
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Key qualities of gerontological nurse practitioner

-Ability to work with elderly persons

Where they can work

  • nursing home
  • hospitals

Average Yearly Pay or Earnings

  • gerontological nurse practitioner pay could be as high as $64,906




Necessary Qualifications

To be able to earn a decent living as a Critical care nurses or even be referred to as one, below are some of the requirements:

  • Registered Nurse license
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree Preferred
  • Certification in Critical Care Nursing


Key qualities of Critical care nurses

– Ability to have to act quickly under pressure

– excellent decision-making skills

– Ability to intervening in critical moments of a patient’s health

– They must possess strong, independent leadership and good communication skills.


Where they can work

  • hospitals

Average Yearly Pay or Earnings

  • Critical care nurses pay could be as high as $80,000





Necessary Qualifications

To be able to earn a decent living as a Nurse Anesthetist or even be referred to as one, below are some of the requirements:

  • Registered Nurse license
  • Master Science in Nursing or doctor of Nursing Practice degree
  • Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)


Key qualities of Nurse Anesthetist practitioner


  • Ability to have to act quickly under pressure
  • excellent decision-making skills
  • Ability to intervening in critical moments of a patient’s health
  • Ability to come valid conclusions through patients’ responses to anesthesia pre- and post-operation.


What they do

  • To give anesthesia to patients who are about going for surgical process.
  • They often work hand in hand with surgeons

Where they can work

  • hospitals


Average Yearly Pay or Earnings

  • Nurse Anesthetist pay could be as high as $157,690



Necessary Qualifications

To be able to earn a decent living as a pediatric nurse or even be referred to as one, below are some of the requirements:

  • Registered Nurse license
  • Certified Pediatric Nursing (CPN) license


Key qualities of pediatric nurse practitioner


  • Ability to do well with kids i.e. love being around children.
  • excellent decision-making skills
  • Ability to intervening in critical moments of a patient’s health
  • Ability to come valid conclusions through patients’ responses to anesthesia pre- and post-operation.
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What they do

  • To give anesthesia to patients who are about going for surgical process.
  • They often work hand in hand with surgeons

Where they can work

  • pediatric rehabilitation unit
  • Other clinical environment


Average Yearly Pay or Earnings

  • pediatric nurse pay could be as high as $$89,000



Necessary Qualifications

To be able to earn a decent living as a Nurse midwives or even be referred to as one, below are some of the requirements:

  • Registered Nurse license
  • Master Science in Nursing
  • Certification from Midwifery Certification Board

Key qualities of Nurse midwives

  • Ability to do well with kids i.e. love being around children.
  • excellent decision-making skills
  • Ability to intervening in critical moments of pregnant women.

What they do

  • They are responsible for quick response to the rescue of pregnant women in labor as well as the unborn baby(ies)
  • They also work hand in hand with obstetricians
  • They are responsible for the follow-up care of new mothers as well as educating new mothers on measures to aid the safety of new born babies.

Where they can work

  • hospitals
  • labor room


Average Yearly Pay or Earnings

  • Nurse midwives pay could be as high as $96,970

Necessary Qualifications

To be able to earn a decent living as Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners or even be referred to as one, below are some of the requirements:

  • Registered Nurse license
  • Master Science in Nursing or doctor of Nursing Practice degree
  • Board certification of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners

Key qualities of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners

  • Ability to counseling and give mental comfort to patients
  • They must possess excellent decision-making skills
  • Ability to make positive impact.


What they do

  • They are responsible for treatment of patient with psychological disorder.
  • They are responsible for helping their patients avoid isolation


Where they can work

  • Psychiatric hospitals
  • Private firm
  • They can also work individually or make provision for private sessions.


Average Yearly Pay or Earnings

  • Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners pay could be as high as $102,000
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Below are some of the reasons you should apply to work in the nursing profession in Canada as a foreigner

  1. Competitive salaries
  2. Wide range of opportunities is made available for you. Opportunities like developing your career while working, improving your working portfolio and so on.
  3. Opportunity to work with more experienced set of people.
  4. Networking
  5. Improved standard of


As an individual looking to work in Canada in the nursing profession, you need to note certain things. Some of those things include;

  • Application and processing of application to the Canadian Nursing Boar is better done in your country of residence because the cost is lesser.
  • Lesser tax is involved when you do the whole processing in your native country.
  • You have to send a notification to the National Nursing Assessment Service informing them that you are foreign trained nurse.
  • Submission of relevant document including proof of working experience
  • You must e able to communicate fluently in English (all other provinces requires this asides Quebec

NOTE: With the exception of Quebec, all other provinces in Canada requires the notification as part of your application.


For people looking to work in the nursing profession in Canada, only two types of residence is made available.


  1. Permanent Residency: Only specific provinces gives this type of residency. To be qualified for this, certain things like level of education, your work experience, age, specialization, your English or French fluency are considered by the Canadian government.


  1. Temporary Residency: To be qualified for this, a proof of job offer must be provided after which work permit is given. Also, all documents as it is applicable to permanent residence is required.

In Conclusion, while applying for all these nursing jobs as it is applicable to you, make sure you check the official nursing board for up-to-date information as things unfold. Also, make sure you have the right certification before applying for any role.

Good luck as you apply

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